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Amazon rainforest plots sold via Facebook Marketplace ads

Amazon rainforest plots sold via Facebook Marketplace ads – BBC News

26 feb. 2021 — Parts of Brazil’s Amazon rainforest are being illegally sold on Facebook, the BBC has discovered. The protected areas include national …

Protected land reserved for Brazil’s indigenous communities is being traded on the social network.

How much of the Amazon rainforest has… – BBC World … – Facebook

Facebook to act on illegal sale of Amazon rainforest – BBC News

8 okt. 2021 — BBC Brasil. Facebook says it will begin clamping down on the illegal sale of protected areas of the Amazon rainforest on its site.

The social network changes its policy following a BBC investigation.

Facebook Addresses Illegal Sales of Amazon Rainforest …

How much of the Amazon rainforest has been lost? And can the Brazilian president’s aim of zero deforestation be achieved?

Facebook is trying to stop the sale of Amazon rainforest land …

How much of the Amazon rainforest has been lost? And can the Brazilian president’s aim of zero deforestation be achieved?

Facebook enabling Amazon land grabbing, deforestation …

Facebook Addresses Illegal Sales of Amazon Rainforest Lands on Its Platform | Smart News| Smithsonian Magazine

13 okt. 2021 — The embattled social media company is taking steps to curb sales of protected lands via its marketplace following a BBC News investigation.

The embattled social media company is taking steps to curb sales of protected lands via its marketplace following a BBC News investigation

Facebook Moves to Stop Illegal Sale of Amazon Rainforest on …

Facebook is trying to stop the sale of Amazon rainforest land on its Marketplace – The Verge

8 okt. 2021 — The policy change comes after a BBC investigation in February that revealed plots of Amazon land were illegally sold on Facebook’s platform.

Facebook announced that it’s updating its policies to prohibit the sale of land in ecological conservation areas on Facebook Marketplace. The policy change comes after a BBC investigation in February that revealed plots of Amazon land were illegally sold on Facebook’s platform.

Amazon rainforest plots sold via Facebook Marketplace ads

Facebook enabling Amazon land grabbing, deforestation, finds investigation

3 mars 2021 — Even after the BBC report, Mongabay found several ads on Facebook’s Marketplace, offering what was clearly stolen land. For example, one ad …

Environmental science and conservation news

Tomter av Amazonas regnskog säljs olagligt via Facebook

Facebook Moves to Stop Illegal Sale of Amazon Rainforest on Marketplace

15 okt. 2021 — Months after a BBC investigation found protected land being sold on Facebook Marketplace in Brazil, the social media giant says it’s taking …

Months after a BBC investigation found protected land being sold on Facebook Marketplace in Brazil, the social media giant says it’s taking action.

Amazon rainforest plots sold via Facebook Marketplace ads | SmartGreen Post | news about the environment

2 mars 2021 — A BBC investigation found dozens of advertisements on Facebook for the sale of pieces of the Amazon rainforest or newly cleared areas by …

Tomter av Amazonas regnskog säljs olagligt via Facebook -annonser – Thred -webbplats

3 mars 2021 — Amazon rainforest plots sold via Facebook Marketplace ads … En utredning från BBC har avslöjat en marknadsplats för olaglig försäljning av …

Eftersom avskogning blir en allt mer relevant fråga för Amazonas regnskog och dess ursprungsbefolkningar, avslöjar en ny exposé att tomter säljs olagligt via Facebook -annonser.

Keywords: following bbc facebook amazon, following bbc facebook amazon marketplace, bbc facebook amazon marketplace, amazon rainforest sold facebook marketplace, bbc facebook amazon